Saturday, November 11, 2017

Present perfect continuous- 8th grade- November 11th

Hello Students,

This activity is with the PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS.

The GIRLS have to INVENT one negative sentence and one question with one of the following verbs: rent, snow, sound, shine, speak, sky, study, research, write.

The BOYS have to INVENT one affirmative sentence and one negative sentence with one of the following verbs: enjoy, surf, paint, use, reserve, rain, buy, act.

The answers go in the COMMENTS box below.

Remember to write your name in the comments. The sentences are invented, so they are different fir every student.

Time limit: Tuesday 14th, 8 p.m

Friday, November 10, 2017

Present Perfect Continuous- 8th grade- Nov 10th

Hello dear students, 

The activity is to transcribe to the English notebook the following exercises, complete them according to the correct structures and bring them to the teacher tomorrow, Nov 11th.

1) Sheila and Luisa ___________(work) here for sixyears.
2) You and He___________ (study) all day.
3) They ___________ (live) in Madrid for six months.
4) Your mother ______________(not/eat) well recently.
5) We _________________(not/exercise) enough.
6) They_______________ (not/drink) enough water - that's why she feels tired.
7) He______________(not/watch) TV much recently.
8) ________________________(it/rain)?
9) _____________________(Laura/work) in this company for more than sixyears?
10) What ____________________(the child/eat)?