Wednesday, April 19, 2017

9th grade. April 19

Hello guys,

This time the activity is to write in the comments 2 sentences with the expressions assigned in class.

Time limit: April 20th 11:59 p.m.

Monday, April 17, 2017

8th Grade. April 17th

Hello dear students from 8th grade.

In the comments you can paste the link to your video about the body and face parts.

Time limit: Friday 21st 10 a.m.

9th grade. April 17.

Hello dear students,

write in the comments the 4 sentences in superlative form assigned in class.

Time limit: April 17 11:59 p.m

Thursday, April 13, 2017

11th grade april 13

Obra de teatro LA ODISEA

En el siguiente link encontrarán el guión de la obra. En el video encontrarán las instrucciones generales.


Video con instrucciones

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

10th grade. April 4th

Greetings my dear students.

This activity is with the expressions to give opinion studied in class.

INVENT 1 sentence with every assigned expression. 4 sentences in total.

Time limit: April 16 11:59 p.m.