Wednesday, March 1, 2017

9th grade March 1st

Good morning,

The activity for today is with Should, Had better or Ought to.

INVENT the recommendation for the sentences:

1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.

2. I can´t find my credit card.

Time limit: March 1st 11:59 p.m


  1. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    -You should go for it you can not get wet(recommendation.
    2. I can´t find my credit card.
    You should look for it or you could steal it(recommendation)

    sebastian espinosa quintero. :3 :v

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  3. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    -You should go to the restaurant for your umbrella (recommendation)

    2. I can not find my credit card.
    You should follow it looking (recommendation)

    kelin vanesa alzate cardona

  4. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    -you should go by tomorrow, it's too late. (Recomendation)

    2. I can't find my credit card.
    -you should look for it if you can buy that set of clothes. (Recomendation)


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  6. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    -R/=you should go get it so it does not get wet. (Recomendation)

    2. I can not find my credit card.
    -R/=you should block it so you do not have incombenientes. (Recomendation)

  7. 1- I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night
    I should have taken my umbrella

    2- I can not find my credit card.
    I should find my credit card as soon as possible

    Diego Alexander Gomez Z.

    1. 1- I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night
      you should have taken your umbrella

      2- I can not find my credit card.
      you should find your credit card as soon as possible

      Diego Alexander Gomez Z.

      (este si)

  8. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    -You should of going for to the restaurant
    2.I can't find my credit card.
    -You should to look for her again

  9. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    R//.You should go for it, you can not get wet.
    2.I can´t find my credit card.
    R//.You should look for it again

  10. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    R//.You should go for it
    They can not take it
    2.I can´t find my credit card.
    R//.You should Ask my wife

    santiago tobon

  11. 1 Salí de mi paraguas en el restaurante de la noche anterior
    R// mañana vas a por el,para que no te devuelvas tan tarde
    2 No encuentro mi tarjeta de crédito
    R//búscala en tu billetera, yo vi que tu la guardaste ahí cuando fuimos a retirar el dinero

    att juan pablo perez restrepo


  12. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.

    R.You should go for it so you do not get wet

    2. I can´t find my credit card.

    R.You should keep on looking better


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  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. 1.I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.

    I should go by the umbrella so I do not get sick.(recommendation)

    2.I can´t find my credit card.

    I should look for the card or I will not have the gifts for my children. (Recomendation)

    Alexander Vergara

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  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    R: to pay to the restaurant by yes there are possibilities from to recover

    2. I can´t find my credit card.
    R: remember where it was the use by last time

  19. 1:I left my umbrela at the restaurant last night When you go home you take it so you do not get wet

    2:I can't find Credit card Keep well yours that you lose

    Juan Carlos Yepes Gómez

  20. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.
    You should visit or call the restaurant to not miss the umbrella

    2. I can´t find my credit card.
    best cancelled the card and asks another

    luisa maria muñoz vargas

  21. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night should I come back because I may need it

    2. I can not find my credit card should notify the police

  22. 1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night
    I should go for it, or I will need it later

    2. I can't find my credit card
    I had better go fast for her or will steal her

    Luz Elena Oquendo♥

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  24. 1. You must buy a new aumbrella for the rain these days
    2. Looks good, maybe and you left her between the clothes

  25. 1.You should go to the restaurant and talk to employees if they did not see it

    2.You should look in the previous places where you were

    I'm sorry, I saw the homework late.

