Monday, April 17, 2017

9th grade. April 17.

Hello dear students,

write in the comments the 4 sentences in superlative form assigned in class.

Time limit: April 17 11:59 p.m


  1. north: New York is the largest city in North America
    south: My grandmother is south of my parents
    off: In the house of my friend the focus is more off
    on: The focus of the museum is more on

    hecho por: juan carlos yepes gomez

  2. Attack: we were shocked by the brutal attack
    Defend: she's not here to defend herself against these accusations
    Bad: i am bad at history
    Good: i am good at tennis
    Dimayerlid castañeda urrego

  3. left: To the left is the Landscape more the bigger
    ritht: To the right is the most careful Way to get to school
    life: This life is not for the oldest
    deadth: Death does not come to the ugliest

    att:santiago tobon

  4. Left:From the left side it's easier to get to the stadium.
    Right:Pick up the pen on your right.
    Live:Life does not try to find oneself but to create oneself.
    Deadth:Sleep with the thought of death and arise with the thought that life is short.

    Hecho por: Faber Esneider Salazar

  5. accidental: I was going down the street and accidentally tripped
    intentional: I went to catch the bus and intentionally a young man pushed a grandfather
    add:I was in the restaurant and I added a salad
    subterct:At the bottom of the subway I saw a shark

    yeimy barragan

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. abundance: the most abundant of the school is Luis, but juan is the most humble of the two.
    lack: To Julian his lack of personality made him lose his job, but Jose is growing more and more in his.
    accept: The most accepted of my house is mario by its way of being, but Mariana do not want it.
    refuse:We need this, and we should not refuse to face up to reality,But we can not betray
    att: kelin Vanesa álzate cardona

  8. female :the house mascot had a female
    male :I hope the mona see bn the masculine that is jose

    finish: I'm going to finish my English work
    start: I'm going to start teaching Spanish.

  9. Above:He is the abovest in the class

    Below:she lives the most below my grand mother

    Absence:he has the most absences than all of my class

    Presence:he has the most presence at work than everyone else

  10. FAST:carlos runs very fast.

    SLOW:samantha walks too slow.

    FAT:candy and kids make jennifer feel fat.

    THIN:I escaped from the thin man.

    Luisa María Muñoz Vargas

  11. Clean: my room this clean
    Dirty:the shirt of carlos this dirty
    Light:this shining the sunlight
    Darkness:pedro do not can see in the darkness

    Alexander Vergara
