Friday, September 1, 2017

Imperatives- 9th Sep 1st

Hello dear student,

In the comments below you have to publish the instructions for the process you will explain in class.
Time limit: Sep 3rd.  Do not forget to write both names.

For the next class, you and your partner have to draw the stages of the process on a big piece of paper and present them to the class. Be creative and show a great effort.


    1. First step we must dissolve the un flavored gelatin in a cup of cold water.

    2. Next step boil the water and cool the gelatin without flavor. Already dissolved after liquefying the three milks (condensed, cream of milk, and liquid milk.

    3. Then in the meantime in a retractable glass vessel we will set up a base or bed of cookies and soak.

    4. Finally ready the base is added the entire contents of the blender to the glass container and put it in the refrigerator.


  2. First: Have a plate or glass
    Second: Pour the cereal
    Next: Add banana or raisins
    Fourth: Add milk
    Fifth: Enjoyment
    Hecho Por: Maicol Agudelo Y Steven Monsalve

    firs plane the shoes on a flat surface.
    Then make a basic knot.
    Then make another basic knot but do not ajust it.
    Then insert a cord intro the circle.
    Then insert the ather cord intro the circle.
    Finally pull and adjust the rabbit ears.

  4. how to prepare juice
    first: peel the fruit from which you want to make the juice
    second: pull the pulp
    third: pour it into a milk jug with milk or water
    fourth: liquefy these ingredients
    finally, it will be ready to drink and refresh you

  5. first: pour two bags of milk into the pot
    second: turn the oven to 350 degrees and cook over high heat until reduced to one quarter
    Third: reduce the heat and continue cooking until it starts to boil, must be sloped and stir so that it does not stick to the bottom and burn
    fourth: add rice and water and let it dry
    finally: let it cool to serve

    Juan Carlos yepes Gomez
    Cristián Camilo zuleta

  6. first boil the water with a little salt and oil

    then when the water is already boiling

    then it is expected to simmer for about 15 or 20 minutes

    finally mix the spaghetti already cooked with the ingredients that you want

    Paula katerine Zuluaga• Sara cataño Hernández.

  7. How to prepare a pound of rice
    -a pound of rice
    -five spoons of oil
    - two teaspoons of salt
    -four water pits

    first: in the rice cooker made the four buckets of water
    then: add the two salt spoons
    after: the five tablespoons of oil are made into the water
    then add the pound of rice
    and luegi you let the rice cooker do the rest of the work
    then you serve it to taste
      if you want before adding the rice for more flavor you can add tomatoes or ceboola paprika etc.

    sebastian zapata y diego gomez

  8. Sauteed vegetales

    FIRST short the vegetable and put it in the skillet

    THEN pour out olive oil and the sweet pepper

    NEXT stir and put to fire slow for 8 minutes

    FINALLY to serve in a plate and accompany with the what to wish.

    Lina Carolina Betancurt. Grado 9

  9. First, take a blender bowl and beat the butter until creamed. When it reaches fluffy texture add the sugar. Then add the egg one by one until it disappears.

    then, add the milk together with the vanilla essence and finish adding the flour with the salt, baking soda and baking powder mixed. Not working too hard or we could get a hard punch.

    Next, the oven is preheated to 170 ° C, the capacities are placed in the cupcake mold and filled to 3/4 of its capacity. Bake for 20 - 25 min or until a toothpick comes in dry. Let cool on a rack.

    Finally, you can decorate them with a little French meringue and a mint leaf.

    Faber Esneider Salazar
    Diego Andres Baena

  10. pancakes.

    pour 8 tablespoons of flour ,pinch of salt,2 aggs , 275ML milk ,
    50g butter.
    beat all the butter in a large bowl until smooth ,
    Melt a little butter in the pan ,
    cook for 30 seconds ,
    turn to pancake ,
    served with honey.

    Jeferson Camargo , Andres Echavarria ...

  11. steps to put an elephant in the fridge
    1) open the refrigerator
    2) remove everything inside the refrigerator
    3) wind the elephant and put it in the fridge
    4) close the refrigerator
    Dahiana Pitalua A.
    Maria Alejandra Garcia.

  12. Gather the ingredients. Pound cake is one of the simplest cakes to make. This is what you need:
    1 cup unsalted butter, softened
    1 cup of sugar
    1 pinch of salt
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    5 eggs
    2 cups of cake flour

    first: Preheat the oven to 162 ° C (325 ° F).
    second: Grease a cake mold
    Third: Beat the butter and sugar to form a creamy mixture
    fourth: Add eggs and vanilla
    fifth: Incorporate stirring the cake flour
    sixth: pour the paste into the mold
    seventh: Bake the cake for one hour and 15 minutes

    Alexander Vergara

  13. Sándwich

    First: to have two slices of bread
    Second: add cheese
    Third: Place a couple of slices of ham on the cheese
    Fourth: add salad to taste
    Fifth: serve on a plate and accompany with whatever you want

    Luisa Maria Muñoz Vargas
    Santiago Muñoz Vargas
