Thursday, July 19, 2018

Past progressive vs. Simple past- 9th grade. (CVUDES Homework)

Past progressive vs. Simple past 

9th grade. (CVUDES Homework)

Welcome to my blog dear students.

Today we will study the differences between the past progressive and the simple past.

Remember that Past progressive =Past continuous.

Map of activities: Here you will find how the activities are divided.

Time line with previous and necessary topics: These are the topics we learnt before today´s topic.

Read the following comics and study the situation. What tenses are used? What sentence is in simple past? what sentence is in past progressive?

Made with Storyboard That

Explanation of the topic.
Clic on the following LINK and you will find the explanation with the difference between Past progressive and the Simple past.

Here are some differences between Past progressive and the simple past.



Listening practice:
Here you will find two videos to practice your listening skill on the topic.

Video 1

Video 2

The exercises are for you to practice:


Type the answers in the comment box below and send them with your name.

Teacher's presentation
Clic on the next word Avatar and you will watch the teacher's presentation through an avatar.

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