Sunday, April 19, 2020

7th Graders

Semana del 20 al 24 de abril

Topic: Verb CAN

Transcribe la siguiente información en tu cuaderno.

Can is a verb that is very often used in the English language. We use it when we
  • express that someone is able to do something: He can speak Spanish.;
  • express that something is possible: The kids can stay at our place after school.;
  • ask for something: Can I have some water, please?;
  • ask for or give permission: Can I go to the party tonight? Yes, you can go.;
  • offer to do something: Can I help you?.

Can has only one form. It does not change with he, she, it:

  • I can
  • You can
  • He, She, It can
  • We can
  • You can
  • They can

The "negative form" of can is can't or cannotYou cannot go to that party! She can't speak English. I can't call you because my phone is out of order.

Questions with CAN

She can swim.   Can she swim? I can help you.   Can I help you? Anna can speak German.   Can Anna speak German?
Can you swim?   Yes, I can. Can I help you?   Yes, you can. Can Peter speak Spanish?   No, he can't.


1.   Complete las preguntas y las repuestas según las imágenes

Can he swim?   Yes,.
___________?   Yes, they can dance.

______________?   Yes, he can drive.

2. Complete los siguientes ejercicios en tu cuaderno
3.     Escribe las respuestas en tu cuaderno.

Tómale una foto a tu cuaderno con las actividades 2 y 3, envía las fotos al correo antes del 27 de abril

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