Tuesday, May 5, 2020

7th Graders

Primer taller de inglés - segundo período 2020.  May 6th through May 18th 

Topic: Verb Be in simple past

Para realizar las actividades debes ver el siguiente vídeo.

Transcribe en tu cuaderno los siguientes ejercicios.

1. Number the sentences in the correct order.

I was on the floor! ____
Before I knew it, my eyes were closed. _____
Yesterday was a bad day. ____
I wasn't paying attention in class because I was tired. _____
The next thing I remember was a loud noise. _____

2. Select the picture that corresponds to the sentence.

6. I was the best kid in the class ________.
A. today
B. yesterday
C. now
D. student

7. You were always ______.
A. in trouble
B. under the hat
C. never
D. remember

8. I was a helper for the ______ students.
A. never
B. our
C. other
D. under

9. When your friend ____ little, he was shy.
A. is
B. were
C. or
D. was

10. You ______ in class yesterday.
A. weren't
B. aren't
C. was
D. wasn't

3. Read the text and answer the questions

Yesterday was a bad day. I wasn't paying attention in class because I was tired. Before I knew it, my eyes were
closed. The next thing I remember was a loud noise. I was on the floor! There were other students all around me.
My teacher was not happy. I was in big trouble.

1. What was wrong with this student yesterday?
A. He was noisy.
B. He was sad.
C. He was tired.
D. He was shy.

2. Who was not happy?
A. the teacher
B. the students
C. the kid
D. his mom

3. Why was yesterday a bad day for the writer?
A. Because he was in big trouble.
B. Because he was noisy.
C. Because his eyes were closed.
D. He doesn't remember.

4. Who made the loud noise?
A. the student
B. the other students
C. the teacher
D. the floor

5. Three of these sentences tell us the student was sleeping in class. Choose the sentence that DOESN'T.
A. I was tired.
B. My eyes were closed.
C. I was on the floor.
D. I was in big trouble.

Tómale una foto a tu cuaderno con las actividades, envía las fotos al correo juandjimenez20@gmail.com antes del 18 de mayo.

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