Tema para
la semana del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo.
Topic: Family members.
en tu cuaderno el siguiente gráfico o puedes imprimirlo y pegarlo en tu
la siguiente información en tu cuaderno:
you have children, you are a parent.
If you are a male
parent, you are a father.
If you are female
parent, you are a mother.
If one of your
children is a boy, he is your son.
If one of your
children is a girl, she is your daughter.
When a couple
gets married, the man is the husband,
and the woman is his wife.
A brother and sister both have
the same parents.
One collective
word to describe brothers and sisters is siblings.
grandparents: the parents of your parents
grandfather: the
father of your father/mother
grandmother: the
mother of your father/mother
grandchildren: the
children of your children
grandson: the
son of one of your children
daughter of one of your children
great grandfather: the
father of your grandfather/grandmother
great grandmother: the
mother of your grandfather/grandmother
uncle: the brother (or
brother-in-law) of your mother/father
aunt: the
sister (or sister-in-law)of your mother/father
cousin: the
child of your aunt/uncle
nephew: the
male child of your brother/sister
niece: the
female child of your brother/sister
father-in-law: the father of your spouse
mother-in-law: the mother of your spouse
son-in-law: the husband of your daughter
daughter-in-law: the wife of your son
brother-in-law: the husband of your sister
sister-in-law: the wife of your brother
stepfather: the (new) husband of your mother but not your
biological father
stepmother: the (new) wife of your father but not your biological
stepson: the son of your (new) husband / wife (he is not your
biological son)
stepdaughter: the daughter of your (new) husband / wife (she is not
your biological daughter)
stepsister: the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather
stepbrother: the son of your stepmother or stepfather
half-brother: the brother you have only one parent in common with.
half-sister: the sister you only have one parent in common with.
Mira el
video que está en el siguiente enlace.
Practica con
los ejercicios del siguiente enlace:
Diseña un árbol
familiar con los nombres de los miembros de tu familia y la relación que tienen
contigo. Ejemplo: José/brother, Mary(aunt).
Puedes hacer una presentación en Powerpoint o hacerlo en una cartelera o
de la mejor manera que se te ocurra y compartir la presentación o las fotos de
la cartelera al correo: juandjimenez20@gmail.com