Sunday, April 26, 2020

9th Graders

Topic: Modals of advice

Semana del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo

Transcribe la siguiente información en tu cuaderno:

English speakers use the modal verbs “should,” “ought to” and “had better” to express that they think something is a good (or a bad) idea. “Should” is the most common way to give advice.
Look at these examples:

A: I failed my test.
B: Really? You should study harder.
Young children shouldn't watch violent TV shows.
I have a problem. Should call my parents or my friend?
A: It's really cold outside.
B: You ought to wear a warm jacket.
(“ought to” is not usually used in the negative form)
(“ought to” is not common in question form)
A: You had better slow down. You are driving too fast!
You had better not forget to pay your tuition. If you do, the university will kick you out!
(“had better” is not usually used in question form)

These examples have the same basic advice message, but “had better” is a bit stronger. It includes the idea of a warning: something bad will happen if you do not follow my advice.

Note: “You had better...” can be contracted to become “You'd better....”

1.    Resuelve los siguientes ejercicios en tu cuaderno
1.    My mother isn't feeling well, so I told her that she _______________ to the doctor.
A.      ought go
B.      ought
C.     ought to go
2.    It's raining and I don't want to get my dress wet. I _________________ an umbrella.
A.      had better to bring
B.      had better bring
C.     had better not bring
3.    I'm going to visit your country. Where _______________ if I want to go shopping?
A.      should I go
B.      ought to I go
C.     I should go
4.    The airline only allows two pieces of luggage. You _________________ pack too much or you will have to take it out at the airport!
A.      had better not
B.      better not
C.     had not better
5.    I need help, doctor. My baby doesn't sleep well. What ________________ ?
A.      I should do
B.      had I better do
C.     should I do
6.    Dave loves chocolate, but he _________________ too much or he will get fat.
A.      should eat not
B.      should eat
C.     shouldn't eat
7.    A: I think that the grade my teacher gave me on my test is wrong.
B: Really? You ______________ to her after class today.
A.      ought to talk
B.      should to talk
C.     ought talk
8.    A: I'm so hot.
B: You _________________ your coat!
A.      should to take off
B.      should take off
C.     should put on

2.    Corrige en tu cuaderno los errores de los siguientes ejercicios. Subraya donde está el error y corrígelo con un color diferente.

                 ·       Correct the mistakes. Each piece of advice contains one mistake
a.    We ought be quiet in the theater
b.    You had don’t better wake the baby. It’s difficult to get her to fall asleep again.
c.     You should coming with us to see the new comedy. It’s really funny
d.    You better study for that exam if you want to pass it.
e.    She oughts to drink less soda. It’s bad for her health
f.      I don’t think you should to spend so much time playing video games.

·       Tómale una foto a tu cuaderno con las actividades 1 y 2, envía las fotos al correo

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