Tuesday, May 5, 2020

8th Graders

Primer taller de inglés - segundo período 2020.  May 6th through May 18th 

Topic: Future with WILL

Para realizar las actividades debes ver el siguiente vídeo.

Transcribe la siguiente información en tu cuaderno.


1. Read the text and answer the questions:

What is an election? What is the process, or how does an election happen? In the United States, and many other
countries, there are usually two candidates, but sometimes there are three or more. In the weeks and months
before an election, the candidates make speeches. They listen to suggestions, and make promises about what
they will do in the future. As people listen, they decide if they think the candidates will keep their promises.
After listening to the speeches and reading all the information about the candidates, the people vote for the
candidate. Voting is the process of choosing the winner of the election. The candidate who has the most votes is
the winner, and he or she will be the next president.

1. A “candidate” for president is _______________.
A. the school president
B. a person who votes for the president
C. a person who makes decisions
D. a person who is trying to be elected president

2. What is something candidates DON’T do before an election?
A. They make speeches.
B. They win the election.
C. They listen to suggestions.
D. They make promises.

3. What do you do before you vote?
A. Make a speech
B. Become president
C. Win the election
D. Get all the information

4. What is a “process”?
A. How something happens
B. Three or more candidates
C. When people make speeches
D. An election

5. Who wins an election?
A. the candidate with the most information
B. the candidate with the most promises
C. the candidate with the most elections
D. the candidate with the most votes

2. Select the correct answer for each exercise

1. In a week, ________ go to the dog show.
A. we
B. we did
C. we are
D. we'll

2. Do you know the answer to this ________?
A. box
B. election
C. quiz
D. question

3. I'll try to help you with your homework. But I'm very busy, so ____________.
A. I can't promise
B. I can't vote
C. I don't have a question
D. I'll see you tomorrow

4. Aren't you ________ that we're going to the museum tomorrow?
A. exciting
B. excited
C. ready
D. smart

5. Will you have ________ with me tomorrow at 1:00?
A. dinner
B. breakfast
C. lunch

D. future

Tómale una foto a tu cuaderno con las actividades, envía las fotos al correo juandjimenez20@gmail.com antes del 18 de mayo.

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