Saturday, November 11, 2017

Present perfect continuous- 8th grade- November 11th

Hello Students,

This activity is with the PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS.

The GIRLS have to INVENT one negative sentence and one question with one of the following verbs: rent, snow, sound, shine, speak, sky, study, research, write.

The BOYS have to INVENT one affirmative sentence and one negative sentence with one of the following verbs: enjoy, surf, paint, use, reserve, rain, buy, act.

The answers go in the COMMENTS box below.

Remember to write your name in the comments. The sentences are invented, so they are different fir every student.

Time limit: Tuesday 14th, 8 p.m

Friday, November 10, 2017

Present Perfect Continuous- 8th grade- Nov 10th

Hello dear students, 

The activity is to transcribe to the English notebook the following exercises, complete them according to the correct structures and bring them to the teacher tomorrow, Nov 11th.

1) Sheila and Luisa ___________(work) here for sixyears.
2) You and He___________ (study) all day.
3) They ___________ (live) in Madrid for six months.
4) Your mother ______________(not/eat) well recently.
5) We _________________(not/exercise) enough.
6) They_______________ (not/drink) enough water - that's why she feels tired.
7) He______________(not/watch) TV much recently.
8) ________________________(it/rain)?
9) _____________________(Laura/work) in this company for more than sixyears?
10) What ____________________(the child/eat)?

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Present perfect continuous- 10th grade

Hello dear students,


The GIRLS have to INVENT one CLOSED question and one negative sentence with two of the following verbs: sleep, work, live, save, invest, research.

The BOYS have to INVENT one OPEN question and one affirmative sentence with two of the following verbs: travel, cook, rehearse, plan, build, paint.

Write the exercises in the comments below.

Time limit:
Monday, October 16th, 8 p.m.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Too and Enough- 10th- September 28th

Hello dear students, the homework is to write the next exercises to your notebooks and select the correct answer.

Time limit: Tuesday, Oct 3rd

  1. Are there ............... bones in the fridge to feed two hundred dogs?
  2. Susan is strong .............. to carry these heavy bags.
  3. I can’t go to the disco because I’m ................... busy doing my new website.
  4. Philip isn’t ................. brave to kill a hen.
  5. Beata is .................... absent-minded to remember about everything.
  6. I’ve got .................. time to finish this exercise.
  7. Didn’t you prepare .................. many sandwiches?
  8. This soup is .................. salty.
  9. Nicole used .................. much pepper.
  10. My meal is warm .................. .
  11. Paul has got .................. money to buy Lamborghini.
  12. She bought .................. many flowers last week.
  13. Pauline’s horse is .................. slow to win that race.
  14. You’ve told .................. . Go to your room and think it over.
  15. My boyfriend is intelligent .................. to pass all the tests.
  16. We’ve painted .................. rooms today. Now we can go home.
  17. He’s .................. young to play this computer game.
  18. Dave is tall .................. to reach that shelf.
  19. The weather isn’t hot .................. today.
  20. They aren’t .................. responsible to look after small babies.

Homework 9th Sep 28th

Hello dear students,
the homework is to transcribe to your notebooks the information in the link, starting in The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb:..."  and ending in  "No, so far I’ve only done my history."

Link to transcribe

When you finish the transcription, INVENT one affirmative and one negative sentence in present perfect.

Time limit: Wednesday, October 4th

Friday, September 15, 2017

Imperatives 9th grade

Hello dear students,
transcribe to your notebook the 12 exercises on the website in the link, and select the correct option for every exercise.


Time limit:  20 Sep 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ethics 10th and 11th grades.

Hello students!

In the link you will find the audio about the real poverty, listen to the audio and in your notebooks, write a reflection about its topic.

Audio here!!!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

11th English- September 5th

Hello dear students,

the activity is to transcribe the list of verbs followed by gerunds with the examples.

List of verbs.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

10th- English - September 5th

Hello everyone!

The activity is to INVENT three questions with WHICH. Be creative and be careful not to copy from your classmates.
Write the sentences in the comments and leave your name.
Time limit: September 6th 8 p.m.

10mo- Ethics Sep 5th

Hello dear students,
watch the video and write a reflexion about it on the comments below. Remember to leave your name.
Video here!!!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Imperatives- 9th Sep 1st

Hello dear student,

In the comments below you have to publish the instructions for the process you will explain in class.
Time limit: Sep 3rd.  Do not forget to write both names.

For the next class, you and your partner have to draw the stages of the process on a big piece of paper and present them to the class. Be creative and show a great effort.

Renaissance homework- 11th Grade.

Hello dear students, 

The activity is about RENAISSANCE LITERATURE.
Go to internet and find out 5 important books written in English from the Reinassance time and write in your notebook:
Principal topic (Max 3 lines)

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ethics 11- August 31st

Hello dear students,
For today´s class, you have to access Youtube and watch the video on the link. video for the class

In the comments, write a reflection on the video´s topic. Minimum 10 lines.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Lazarillo de Tormes - grado 11.

En el link encontrarán la versión que estamos leyendo en clase.
libro aquí

Activity for August 30th:  Read from page 28 to page 35 (end of the first chapter)
On your notebook, write a summary-half page- using the verbs similarly to the previous activity.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Videos- Imperatives 9th

Hello, students.

Here you can post the videos about the use of imperatives.

Time limit: Thursday, Aug 17th. 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017


Hello everyone!

In the link you will find the recovering activities for English, Spanish (11th) and Ethics (10th.11th)

The limit to hand in the activities is August 14. Click here!!!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

11th grade. May 3rd. ETHICS

Hello my students, 

in the comments you can paste the link to your video about WHITE ELEPHANTS IN COLOMBIA.

Time limit: Monday, May 8th 11:00 p.m

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

9th grade. April 19

Hello guys,

This time the activity is to write in the comments 2 sentences with the expressions assigned in class.

Time limit: April 20th 11:59 p.m.

Monday, April 17, 2017

8th Grade. April 17th

Hello dear students from 8th grade.

In the comments you can paste the link to your video about the body and face parts.

Time limit: Friday 21st 10 a.m.

9th grade. April 17.

Hello dear students,

write in the comments the 4 sentences in superlative form assigned in class.

Time limit: April 17 11:59 p.m

Thursday, April 13, 2017

11th grade april 13

Obra de teatro LA ODISEA

En el siguiente link encontrarán el guión de la obra. En el video encontrarán las instrucciones generales.


Video con instrucciones

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

10th grade. April 4th

Greetings my dear students.

This activity is with the expressions to give opinion studied in class.

INVENT 1 sentence with every assigned expression. 4 sentences in total.

Time limit: April 16 11:59 p.m.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

11th Grade March 16th

Hello my students,

The activity is to INVENT three sentences, 1 in simple present, 1 in simple past and 1 in future (will).
Every sentence has two versions: 1. "original"  2. reported.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

9th grade March 1st

Good morning,

The activity for today is with Should, Had better or Ought to.

INVENT the recommendation for the sentences:

1. I left my umbrella at the restaurant last night.

2. I can´t find my credit card.

Time limit: March 1st 11:59 p.m

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

10th grade. February 21st

Hello, my dear students.

This activity is about the FIRST CONDITIONAL.

INVENT the result for the given conditions.

1. If we go on vacations this summer, ___________________
2. If they have enough money and time, _________________

Time limit: Feb 21st 11:59pm

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

10th grade February 14th


The activity for today is about the ZERO CONDITIONAL.

INVENT the other part for these sentences in the Zero Conditional.

1. If I don´t clean my bedroom, _________________
2. If he doesn´t attend the class at school, ________________
3. Do they forgive you if _______________________?
Time limit: February 15, 10 p.m

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

10th grade February 7th


The activity for today is about the present perfect.


Invent the words to complete the sentences: 

1. María has ___________  in the park with her __________. 
2. My mom and my dad have ___________ the house for the celebration.
3. Have you ____________ in the city?


Invent the words to complete the sentences: 

1. The players have ____________ with their ___________ before the match.
2. The police officer has ____________ in the ___________
3. Have they _____________in the shopping center?

Time limit: February 7, 12 a.m

Thursday, February 2, 2017

9th grade February 1st


This activity is about the ZERO CONDITIONAL.

Invent and write in the comments three (3) sentences with the Zero Conditional.  

Time limit: February 3rd 12 p.m

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

10TH GRADE January 31st


The activity is about the present perfect.

Activity for girls: invent two sentences in the present perfect, one affirmative and one interrogative, Use the subjects SHE, THEY

Activity for boys: invent two sentences in the present perfect, one negative and one interrogative. Use the subject WE, HE.


Monday, January 30, 2017

11th grade January 30th

Greetings, my dear students.

Image taken from:

In the comments, write 2 sentences with both parts negative and 2 sentences with one part negative and the other one affirmative. In total, they are 4 sentences.

Time limit: January 31st, 12 p.m

8th grade January 30th


image taken from:

Write in the comments 2 sentences with each adverb of frequency.

Time limit: January 31, 12 a.m

Friday, January 27, 2017

8th grade January 27th

Good morning,
3. Tom and Sarah travel a lot. They don't know where to go ____ .
4. "Sarah is doing her degree. ______, she wants to be a lawyer." 

Write your name.

Thursday, January 26, 2017



The activity is about the alphabet.
write 2 examples for every letter.

Example: A for ant, army

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

6th B. January 24th


This activity is about the alphabet.
In the comments, write the letter+FOR+example.

Example: A for Alligator
                 B for Bank

Monday, January 23, 2017

7th grade. January 23rd

Good morning!!!
The activity for today is about the alphabet,

In the comments, write the letter+FOR+example.

Example: A for army.

11th grade January 23rd


The activity for today is about the alphabet. In the comments, write the letter+FOR+three examples.

Example: A FOR  avocado, audio, art.

8th January 23rd

The activity for today is about the alphabet and the competition.
In the comments, write the letter+FOR+an example

Example: A for abacus

10th January 23rd


The activity for today is about the alphabet.
In the comments, write the letter+FOR+example
Example: A for annoying

9th January 23rd

The activity for today is about the alphabet.
Write in the comments the letter + FOR+ an example.
Example: A for alien

Thursday, January 19, 2017

11th Grade

Greetings, my diligent students!

This blog is designed to help us improve our mastery of English.

You have the possibility to participate and learn more.

Dictionaries are very useful in our process.

10th Grade

Greetings, my hardworking students!

On this blog you will find tools to learn more.
We are going to improve our proficiency in English.

Dictionaries are better than mechanic translators.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

8th Grade

Good morning dear students! 

This blog is for us. Here, we will learn more.
In the comments you can ask questions and write your ideas.
English is not difficult.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Welcome Students

Welcome dear students!

This website will help us to improve our English skills.

Read, watch, participate...

Learning English is fun